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The Ethernet Interface

Your MOBOTIX camera is equipped with an integrated 10/100 Mbps Ethernet interface to connect the camera to local networks.

From the factory, the camera is pre-configured for a class A subnet:

IP Address: 10.x.x.x
Network Mask:

Quick Installation

The Quick Installation wizard is the easiest and most secure way for initially configuring the camera. It is performed automatically when the Admin Menu is opened for the first time.

Once you have selected the language, this wizard helps to configure the following basic settings:

Note: Depending on the settings you have selected, not all dialogs mentioned above will be displayed.

The Ethernet Interface Dialog

It is recommended that you use the Ethernet Interface dialog only if you feel comfortable with the terms and services involved. Invalid entries may render your camera unreachable!

General Interface Setup

Parameter Description
Networking Enable/disable the Ethernet interface. The factory default setting is on.
Additional IP Address The camera can manage two different network configurations. If you configure your camera for your network, select On in order to store the factory default configuration as alias configuration. Thus, you can make sure that the camera remains accessible using the factory default configuration.
Note: The alias configuration cannot be defined independently.
BOOTP/DHCP Provided these services are available on your network, the camera can use them to automatically obtain its network configuration. Ask your network administrator whether these services are available. If the configuration using BOOTP/DHCP has been successful, all other settings in the menu are ignored. If the configuration using BOOTP/DHCP fails, your settings or the factory default settings are used.
Camera Name You can assign a host name to the camera that should describe e.g. the camera's location in more detail. Using this name, you can select the camera e.g. when configuring a MultiView screen.
Note: In order to access the camera on your local network using its host name, a DNS service needs to be available and a DNS server has to be specified.

Ethernet Parameters

Parameter Description
IP You can access the camera in the network via its IP address. Ask your network administrator which IP address is available.
Network mask In order for computers to be able to communicate in a network, the IP address needs to be assigned a matching network mask. Again, it is your network administrator who will tell you which network mask to use.
Link Speed and Duplex This parameter should be left at its default setting in order to guarantee the best connection quality for this camera and software version. When connection problems with a switch occur, you can try to see if a different setting produces better results.


Parameter Description
Default Route and Gateway IP Address A gateway acts a relay between individual networks and it coordinates the data traffic between these networks. The default route sets the gateway that is to be used if no other gateway has been specified for a special route.

Domain Name Service (DNS)

Parameter Description
DNS Servers In some dialogs (e.g. FTP Profiles), you can replace the IP address by a symbolic name (e.g. In order for symbolic names to be transformed to IP addresses, at least one DNS server has to be registered. In the Quick Installation wizard, you can select a DNS server or enter a DNS server of your Internet provider.
Note: The DNS servers entered here will only be used for the Ethernet interface. If an ISDN dial-out connection has been defined in the ISDN Data Connections > Dial-Out Connections dialog and this connection has been set as Default Route, the DNS servers assigned by the provider will be used.
Domain If you enter the host name without the domain name, the camera will automatically add the domain name specified here.

Zeroconf (Bonjour)

Parameter Description

Activates the camera features for automatically finding other network devices using Zeroconf (also called "Bonjour"). This service provides a means for network devices in a local network to communicate with one another without requiring centralized management if IP addresses, names, etc. In addition, these devices announce the services they provide within the network.

This feature also means that the camera creates an additional IPv4 Link Local address in the subnet, activates a Multicast DNS service and publishes a service directory. These functions are independent of specifying a DNS servers in the Domain Name Service (DNS) section further above.

Zeroconf Name Enter a name in this field if you would like the camera to use a Zeroconf/Bonjour name that is different from the Camera Name defined at the beginning of the dialog.

IEEE 802.1X

This international standard is used for port-based network access control (NAC). The procedure requires that all network devices (i.e the MOBOTIX camera) need to authenticate themselves at the switch to obtain a network connection. Network devices without proper authentication will be rejected.

Parameter Description
IEEE 802.1X

Activates the camera as IEEE 802.1X supplicant with the specified authentication procedure.

Ask your network administrator whether IEEE 802.1X is supported or required. Make sure that the switch to which the camera is connected (authenticator) has been configured accordingly. In general, the switch (authenticator) also needs an authentication server, such as a RADIUS server. The authentication procedure is controlled by the authentication server. Make sure that the camera and the authentication server always use the same procedure.

Identity The IEEE 802.1X network identifier or the name of the local network, to which the camera is connected.
Login User Name The user name of the camera at the authentication server (only required for the EAP-MD5, EAP-PEAP and all variants of EAP-TTLS; EAP-TLS does not need a user name).
Login Password

The password of the camera at the authentication server (only required for the EAP-MD5, EAP-PEAP and all variants of EAP-TTLS; EAP-TLS does not need a user name).

CA X.509 certificate

This X.509 root certificate is needed to verify the X.509 certificate of the Authentication Server (required by all authentication procedures except EAP-MD5).

If there already is an X.509 root certificate in the camera, the relevant data ("issuer", "subject", validity) are shown in the comment next to the dialog box. This X.509 root certificate, the supplicant X.509 certificate and the corresponding private key will be deleted from the camera if you deactivate IEEE 802.1X.

Supplicant X.509 certificate

This is the X.509 user certificate of the camera (only required for the EAP-TLS authentication procedure).

If there already is a supplicant X.509 certificate in the camera, the relevant data ("issuer", "subject", validity) are shown in the comment box. This X.509 root certificate, the supplicant X.509 certificate and the corresponding private key will be deleted from the camera if you deactivate IEEE 802.1X.

Supplicant X.509 private key

This is the private key of the camera (only required for the EAP-TLS authentication procedure).

This X.509 root certificate, the supplicant X.509 certificate and the corresponding private key will be deleted from the camera if you deactivate IEEE 802.1X.

Supplicant X.509 private key, passphrase Contains the passphrase of the camera's private key. (Only used by the EAP-TLS authentication procedure.)

Contact your network administrator to obtain the required information regarding IEEE 802.1X. Note, that it is not possible to create the certificates required for all authentication procedures within the camera itself (exception: EAP-MD5).

When using IEEE 802.1X in an installation, it is recommended to assign individual user names and passwords/X.509 user certificates for every network device.

If you are using the same user name and password or X.509 user certificate for every network device, one stolen device will compromise the security of the whole network. In this case, you would have to exchange the authentication information on all remaining network devices. If every network device uses individual authentication information, you can lock the authentication information of the stolen device on the authentication server. Reconfiguring the remaining devices is thus not required.

Note: The EAP-MD5 authentication procedure is considered insecure and should not be used.

Konfiguration sichern

Klicken Sie auf Setzen, um die Einstellungen zu aktivieren und bis zum nächsten Neustart der Kamera zu sichern.

Beenden Sie den Dialog durch Klick auf Schließen. Hierbei wird geprüft, ob Änderungen der Gesamtkonfiguration vorliegen. Ist dies der Fall, werden Sie gefragt, ob die Gesamtkonfiguration dauerhaft gesichert werden soll.

 Zum Aktivieren der neuen Einstellungen speichern Sie die Konfiguration und führen einen Neustart der Kamera durch!

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